Who they are, why they exist and how to avoid them

We all, absolutely EVERYONE, can suffer from comments from haters, those people who automatically become aggressive and hostile towards your content. Have you ever been a victim? Don’t worry, because creating content to try to please everyone is the beginning of failure. Sooner or later you will disappoint someone, and you must be prepared. Of […]

Anticipation and prediction of contact behavior directly in CRM

Some CRMs are already using AI to analyze customer data and make predictions about prospect behavior. For others, the implementation of AI is underway. One of the major benefits of integrating AI into your CRM is the speed of data analysis. For example, Salesforce has already Anticipation and prediction launched its AI-based virtual assistant called […]

Crafting Effective

Crafting Effective SMS Marketing Campaigns with Klaviyo Now that you understand the power of SMS marketing and the capabilities of Klaviyo, let’s dive into the key strategies and best practices for creating successful SMS campaigns. Establishing a Subscriber List The foundation of any effective Philippines Phone Number List SMS marketing strategy is a well-curated subscriber list. […]