How to Get Whatsapp Business Account ID

WhatsApp Business has become a popular communication channel for businesses worldwide. How to Get Whatsapp Business Account ID. To establish a WhatsApp Business presence, you’ll need to obtain a unique WhatsApp Business Account ID. In this article, we will guide you through the process of acquiring a WhatsApp Business Account ID in a step-by-step manner.

Download and Install WhatsApp Business App:

To get starte, download the WhatsApp Business app from the official app store on your smartphone. Once installed, open the app and accept the terms Korea WhatsApp number data of service. You will be prompt to verify your phone number. How to Get Whatsapp Business Account ID. Enter your business phone number and wait for the verification process to complete. After successful verification, proceed to set up your business profile.

Setting Up Your Business Profile :

Whatsapp Number List

In the WhatsApp Business app, click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner to access the menu. Select “Settings” and then “Business Settings.” Here, you can provide relevant details about your business, including a profile picture, business name, category, address, and other information. Make sure to fill in accurate and comprehensive details to enhance your business profile’s credibility and visibility.

Requesting a WhatsApp Business Account :

After setting up your business profile, you need to request a WhatsApp Business Account. Tap on the “Settings” menu again, followed by “Business Settings.” Scroll WS Numbers down and select “Request Verification.” You will be prompted to enter your business email address. Make sure to use a professional email associated with your business. Submit the verification request, and WhatsApp will review your application. The verification process may take several days, so be patient.

Verification and Obtaining the Account ID :

Once WhatsApp reviews your application, they will send an email confirming your verification status. If your application is approved, you will receive another email containing your WhatsApp Business Account ID. This ID is a unique identifier for your business and is crucial for various WhatsApp Business features and integrations. Keep this ID safe and accessible for future use.


Acquiring a WhatsApp Business Account ID is essential for businesses looking to leverage WhatsApp’s communication capabilities. By following the steps outlined in this article – downloading the WhatsApp Business app, setting up your business profile, and requesting verification – you’ll be well on your way to obtaining your WhatsApp Business Account ID and unlocking the full potential of WhatsApp Business for your enterprise.

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