How to Add Friend by Username in Telegram

Telegram is a popular messaging app that allows users to connect with friends and family. One of the key features of Telegram is the ability to add friends by their username. In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add friends on Telegram using their usernames.

Launch Telegram and Sign In :

Before adding friends on Telegram, ensure that you have the app installed on your device. Launch the Telegram app and sign in using your phone number. If you don’t have an account, you can create one by following the registration process.
Once you are signed in, you will be directed to the Telegram home screen. To add a friend using their username, tap on the magnifying glass icon located Taiwan telegram number data at the top-right corner of the screen. This will open the search bar. Enter the username of the person you want to add, and Telegram will display a list of users with similar usernames.

Select the User and Send a Request :

Telegram Number Data

From the list of search results, tap on the desired user’s profile. This will open their profile page. On the profile page, you will find an “Add to Contacts” button. Tap on this button, and Telegram will send a friend request to the user. Note that some users may have privacy settings that prevent receiving friend requests from users who are not in their contacts.

Wait for Confirmation :

Once you send the friend request, the user will receive a notification about the request. They can choose to accept or decline your request. If they accept your WS Numbers request, you will receive a notification in your Telegram account, and their username will appear in your contacts list. If they decline the request or don’t respond, their username will not be added to your contacts.

Start Chatting :

After your friend request is accepted, you can start chatting with the person by selecting their username from your contacts list. Tap on their name, and a chat window will open. From there, you can exchange messages, photos, videos, and more.

Conclusion :

Adding friends on Telegram using usernames is a convenient way to connect with people. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily add friends on Telegram using their usernames. Start exploring the features of Telegram and enjoy seamless communication with your friends and family

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