To complete all the advice you have read so far

Your company have the financial means to invest in a marketing automation tool? If you answer “no” to all of these questions. We strongly advise you not to commit further with an expensive tool that will not give the best results. Instead. Take the time to establish the necessary framework for such a strategy. 9 best practices for launching your first marketing automation campaign at this point in your reading. Are you still considering launching your first marketing automation campaign?  Here are 9 essential tips for getting started. 1. Segment your contact base one of the challenges of marketing automation is to send the right email to the right person (or lead). Fine segmentation is the key to achieving this. Also.

Their habits and their profiles 

The quality of data on your customers and leads is a key factor in the Bahamas Phone Number List success of your future marketing automation campaigns. The more you know your customers. The more you know your prospects in terms of needs and expectations . The more impact your campaigns will have. 2. Start with a transactional email a customer just made a purchase or a prospect registered on your website? In this case. Send them an initial registration confirmation or purchase confirmation email. This first directly sent message will quickly place your brand in the environment of this client/lead and the emails that follow will be even better received.

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At the right time and with the right content 

Transactional emails such as “welcome emails” have France Phone Number List the advantage of benefiting from a slightly higher opening rate .You will be able to celebrate everyone’s birthdays by configuring your marketing automation solution in advance. These emails are naturally appreciated by the recipients. Since they initiate a relationship of trust and closeness between you and them. For example. This is an opportunity to slip in a special reduction. An exclusive good deal or a discovery offer. 4. Optimize the impact of your emails by a/b testing certain email subject lines and content work better than others depending on the contact segment in question. To ensure optimal performance. 

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