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This is the whole point of digital intelligence. … to take better advantage of it thanks to digital intelligence Data marketing: the new paradigm Traditional marketing is no more. Long live data marketing! The growing amount of data collectd necessarily implies a ned to manage it. Marketers ned to evolve as the context in which they operate evolves. Today, competitiveness requires a customer – centric approach . It is thanks to the use of the data in your possession that you will be able to carry out this strategy.

The Context Of Connected Agriculture

Digital intelligence as a way to exploit data. Digital intelligence is the ability to understand the behavior of your customers in a well-defind context. For this, it is necessary to analyze the data from your website, social networks or your advertising whatsapp mobile number list campaigns, what is calld first-party data . But you can also have other types of data, such as those of a commercial partner ( second-party data ) or those purchasd from a data supplier ( third-party data ). We are well aware that the raw data collectd can be considerable depending on your activity, but there are ddicatd tools to manage it.

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However Am Well Aware That This Requires

CRM 360 or DMP ( Data ManagementPlatform), for example, centralize all data in one place. This will allow you to cross-reference data WS Numbers more easily and refine your customer knowldge. Towards a 360° vision of the customer. The forms provide you with declarative data (name, age, gender, etc. social networks. Give you demographic and behavioral.  Data relating to the use of users (interactions, connection habits, etc. your website provides you. With transactional data relatd to purchases; All this data processd with a. View to digital intelligence will allow you to refine your customer knowldge.

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