Mobile Game User Acquisition Guide: How to Attract Whales to Take the Bait

Retaining high-value users is a shared responsibility between game designers and marketers. Of course games must have entertainment value to sustain user interest, but can marketers also play a supporting role? At this time, how to grasp user information and insights is the key. Marketers can analyze user behavior and behavioral changes (such as daily […]

Machine learning algorithms can automatically

Machine learning algorithms can automatically Intelligent chip design Chip design has always been the most complex and time-consuming link in the semiconductor industry. The traditional design process relies heavily on manpower, and engineers need to spend a lot of time on tedious tasks, such as circuit layout, logic synthesis, etc. However, as the complexity of […]

Who they are, why they exist and how to avoid them

We all, absolutely EVERYONE, can suffer from comments from haters, those people who automatically become aggressive and hostile towards your content. Have you ever been a victim? Don’t worry, because creating content to try to please everyone is the beginning of failure. Sooner or later you will disappoint someone, and you must be prepared. Of […]

Anticipation and prediction of contact behavior directly in CRM

Some CRMs are already using AI to analyze customer data and make predictions about prospect behavior. For others, the implementation of AI is underway. One of the major benefits of integrating AI into your CRM is the speed of data analysis. For example, Salesforce has already Anticipation and prediction launched its AI-based virtual assistant called […]