Make sure the FGTS is used to your advantage

The Service Time Guarantee Fund (FGTS) is a benefit for Brazilian workers hire under CLT rules, rural workers, casual workers, temporary workers, professional athletes and non-employe directors. Among the situations. Which money can be withdrawn from the fund are dismissal for just cause and the purchase of your own property. Many people in Brazil buy their first house or apartment using this resource, as the money save helps to facilitate the down payment on the property. For this reason, anyone who works in the real estate market — such as a real estate agent — can use the benefit to their advantage. Read on and find out how! How to use FGTS to benefit your sales? A real estate agent’s job goes far beyond showing a house or apartment to people interested in purchasing.

A large part of your service should also be focuse

To do this, the professional must be prepare to answer questions relate to the purchase of the asset. It also needs to bring solutions to possible problems, and the FGTS can be one of these solutions . After all, after a few years of work. It is possible Malaysia Phone Number Data that the fund will have a good amount of money. And this value serves as a down payment for the property that your clients wish to purchase. Are you prepare to guide your customers on how to use the resource. What are the FGTS rules? Monthly amounts corresponding to 8% of the worker’s salary are deposite into the FGTS. In addition to the monthly salary, this percentage must also affect: 13th salary; Vacation; Additional; Overtime; Early warning. The accumulate amount remains in a cash account in the employee’s name.

There is interest and monetary correction on the amounts

The account is updated monthly, and the yield corresponds to the Reference Rate (TR) plus 3% per year. Legally. This money belongs to the Latvia Phone Number List Government and only effectively belongs to the worker through some triggering event that justifies its withdrawal. It is possible to withdraw the FGTS balance in some specific circumstances: Dismissal without just cause; Purchase of property; End of a fixe-term employment contract; Retirement; Diagnosis of cancer or AIDS; Death of the worker, subject to a court order. In cases of resignation or termination of the employment contract for just cause, it is allowe to withdraw the fund balance after the worker has spent three years without working with a registere contract. Tecimob: Website ready for real estate agents and real estate agencies.

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