Especially since on the side of customers and leads

Exclusive community-manager-snapchat.Jpg platforms such as snapchat and instagram have experienced meteoric growth in recent years. While the first already claims more than 8 million active users per day in france . The second (of which facebook is the owner) can boast of bringing together 100 million users worldwide . What do they have in common? Focus on ephemeral content (an option called “story” in both cases) available in either case for a maximum of 24 hours. And users are particularly fond of it. More and more b2b companies are opting for story-telling based on such a format because in addition to being in line with current uses. The practice is interesting in several respects: create a sense of urgency arouse desire promote the community of customers and prospects through exclusive content intended exclusively for them this last point is crucial.

Can also be used to show behind the scenes

Brands have everything to gain Bolivia Phone Number List from distributing “limited special offers”. “best customer” content (ebooks. Studies. Surveys. Etc.); in short. Anything that can add a dose of exclusivity. Exclusivity improves the relationship between a brand and its customers . Customers feel de facto considered and pampered. Instagram. For its part. “Behind the scenes”.  A good example here with hootsuite. Which strives to put the mascot of its logo in all kinds of situations via the hashtag #lifeofowly: community-manager-hootsuite-instagram.Png 2) live and immersive content live videos broadcast on twitter and facebook and 360° photos open up new opportunities for brands.

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The intrinsically ephemeral nature generates advantages in customer relations

This content. Which is immersive by nature. Offers Iran Phone Number List a dive into the heart of the company’s world. Allowing customers to become actors. By getting involved themselves in the publication. Live videos can in fact be commented on live. Shared. And it is even easy to direct the cameras. For 360° photos. It is possible to change the viewing angle as desired. Intel. For example. Is working to highlight this new technology that it is developing and implementing with the nba. Which now offers this type of video on its facebook. She presents it in several videos like here: this interaction is beneficial for the brand: it enriches its story-telling thanks to engaging support.

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