Condominium laws everything you need to know about

One of the great advantages of a career as a real estate agent is having several areas to work in and one of them is property management. However, condominiums are full of legal nuances that must be respecte, even to guarantee tranquility in a living space between people who, in most cases, are completely different from each other. So, stay tune: from the municipal ones to the Constitution itself, see what you need to know about condominium laws. Civil Code points out the main directions There are many laws relating to condominiums, but it is much easier to understand them knowing that it is the Civil Code that governs them.

Civil Code points out the main directions

There are many laws relating to condominiums, but it is much easier to understand them knowing that it is the Civil Code that governs them: there are no less than 27 articles on the subject covering topics ranging from decisions taken at condominium Netherlands Phone Number Data meetings to explanations about ideal fraction, including the maximum permitte noise, fines and even the extinction of the condominium itself. However, the Brazilian Civil Code is relatively new, create in 2003. Before that, what governe all of this was a law from 1964, Law 4591. However, it was not completely replace by the CC, just a large part of it. For lawyers, these articles of the 1964 law are called “derogated” – which, according to the dictionary, means “abolished”, “suppresse”, but also depreciate and repealed.

And the conventions prior to the CC, as they are

As the rules set out in the conventions do not correspond to current reality, the subject is quite controversial, generating discussion Malaysia Phone Number List between lawyers with different understandings. A classic case of these conflicting points is with regard to the removal of the property manager from power, since according to the 1964 law there must be agreement from two thirds of the condominium owners, while according to the CC, a simple majority is sufficient (Art. 1,349). Some argue that the convention should follow the old procedure, as it could have been modifie and update by condominium owners at any time.

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